Massage Pricing & Services | Lexington & Nicholasville (2025)

Massage Pricing & Services | Lexington & Nicholasville (1)

(859) 334-0585

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Massage Stong in Lexington & Nicholasville

(859) 334-0585


Top Massage Therapists in Lexington & Nicholasville

Massage Strongis different from other massage offices. Ourmassage therapistsfocus on pain relief, injury therapy, and mobility. We aren’t your typical spa; we are here to work with your body in a way to promote pain relief, healing, and functional progress. We have been referred to as “thephysical therapists of massage“.

Our missionat Massage Strong is to be Nicholasville & Lexington’s top-quality studio fortherapeutic massagefrom our expertmassage therapists. We can dorelaxing massages, but our heart is in theextensive benefits of massage therapypain management,massages for athletes, and body maintenance. There is no “hit or miss” with whether you will have a good massage experience at your first appointment.


(859) 334-0585

Our Massage Therapists

Massage Strong is proud to offer some of the bestmassage therapistsin the country right here in Lexington & Nicholasville. We take our business very seriously, which is why the process to become amassage therapistwith us is a lengthy one. Every single one of ourmassage therapistshas to go through several interviews, several trainings, and must have a deep understanding of the human body in order towork with us. Each therapist specializes indeep tissue massage therapyas well as many otherspecialized massageareas. To say we are picky about who we hire would be an understatement, and because of that we have built the strongest, mostknowledgeable teamin Lexington & Nicholasville.

Massage Pricing & Services | Lexington & Nicholasville (5)

Our Services

Massage Pricing & Services | Lexington & Nicholasville (6)

Deep Tissue Massage In Lexington & Nicholasville

We are known for our deep tissue massages and are proud to be Nicholasville & Lexington’s top choice for deep tissue massage therapists. This type of massage is aimed at the deeper tissue structures of the muscle and fascia, also called connective tissue. It is a more focused type of massage, as the massage therapist works to release chronic muscle tension or ‘knots.’ Deep tissue massage uses many of the same movements and techniques as Swedish massage, but the pressure will generally be more heavy-handed.

Call us to learn more about this service or request your appointment today!



(859) 334-0585

Cupping Therapy In Lexington & Nicholasville

Cupping massage was made famous by Michael Phelps’ circular markings at the 2016 Summer Olympics and has been a popular form of massage therapy ever since. Cupping massage produces fantastic results for those suffering from old injuries or stubborn aches. This type of massage is an ancient form of alternative medicine in which a massage therapist puts special cups on your skin for a few minutes to create suction; this promotes blood flow and muscle relaxation.



(859) 334-0585

Massage Pricing & Services | Lexington & Nicholasville (7)
Massage Pricing & Services | Lexington & Nicholasville (8)

Swedish Massage In Lexington & Nicholasville

Swedish massage therapy is a calmer form of massage that targets long term pains and aches. This type of massage therapy leaves our patients feeling both energized and relaxed even after their very first session. Swedish massage therapy even releases toxins from soft tissue; this is accomplished by our specially trained massage therapists rubbing the muscles with long gliding strokes in the direction of blood returning to the heart.



(859) 334-0585

Massage for Athletes In Lexington & Nicholasville

Massage Strong provides professional and top-quality massages for athletes in Lexington & Nicholasville that work to relieve pain and soreness in areas of tension and discomfort. Massages for athletes are a specific type of massage focused on enhancing performance and injury recovery in individuals that are regularly engaged in physical activity. This type of massage works the soft tissue in order to correct problems and imbalances that often occur from repetitive and strenuous physical activity.

Athletes of all levels will notice the benefits of regular massages in their enhanced performance, flexibility, and recovery times.



(859) 334-0585

Massage Pricing & Services | Lexington & Nicholasville (9)
Massage Pricing & Services | Lexington & Nicholasville (10)

Prenatal Massage In Lexington & Nicholasville

Massage therapy alleviates tension and anxiety from mind and body as a holistic exercise. Pregnancy can cause additional stress outside of what we normally experience in our day-to-day lives. Prenatal massages can help reduce that stress with one-hour sessions at least once a week. Massage therapy can help release dopamine and improve serotonin levels, both of which help to decrease symptoms of depression that are experienced during pregnancy. Prenatal massage uses nerve and muscle stimulation to elevate these hormones.



(859) 334-0585

Massage for Pain Management In Lexington & Nicholasville

Therapeutic massage by Massage Strong is an effective treatment for certain chronic conditions that involve chronic pain. Discover how massage can improve chronic health issues. There are different types of chronic pain that a person may experience because of different medical conditions. Massage eases the tension of the muscles in the body. The controlled application of pressure on the body relaxes the muscles, ligaments, and tendons. It eases the spasms and contractions of muscle tissue that cause pain.



(859) 334-0585

Massage Pricing & Services | Lexington & Nicholasville (11)

Massage Pricing & Services | Lexington & Nicholasville (12)

Massage Pricing at Massage Strong

We encourage all new clients to come in for no less than 60 minutes during their first session so your massage therapist can get to know your body, their limitations, weaknesses, and strengths. If you have any questions about our massage pricing feel free to contact our office!

Deep Tissue Massage Pricing

60 Minute Deep Tissue | $105
90 Minute Deep Tissue | $155
120 Minute Deep Tissue | $200

Massage Pricing & Services | Lexington & Nicholasville (13)

Swedish Massage Pricing

60 Minute Massage | $105
90 Minute Massage | $155
120 Minute Massage | $200

Massage Pricing & Services | Lexington & Nicholasville (14)

Cupping Therapy Pricing

60 Minute Cupping Massage | $120
90 Minute Cupping Massage | $170
120 Minute Cupping Massage | $220

Massage Pricing & Services | Lexington & Nicholasville (15)

Massage for Athletes Pricing

60 Minute Massage | $105
90 Minute Massage | $155
120 Minute Massage | $200

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Prenatal Massage Pricing

60 Minute Massage | $105
90 Minute Massage | $155
120 Minute Massage | $200

Massage Pricing & Services | Lexington & Nicholasville (17)

Pain Management Massage Pricing

60 Minute Massage | $105
90 Minute Massage | $155
120 Minute Massage | $200

Massage Pricing & Services | Lexington & Nicholasville (18)

(859) 334-0585


Why Choose Massage Strong for Your Massage Therapist in Lexington or Nicholasville

Massage Pricing & Services | Lexington & Nicholasville (19)

Lexington KYis known to many as the Horse Capital of the World, but everyone living here knows that it’s so much more than that. The people of Lexington & Nicholasville are dedicated to supporting the unique and special culture that this city has to offer. Lexington is known for its bourbon, street art, nightlife, food, shopping, architecture, history, craft beer, local coffee shops, and music. Local businesses are truly what gives Lexington its charm. We are a small, family-owned business committed to changing how people view massage therapy. We love serving you and hearing all your success stories at Massage Strong. We are proud to be Nicholasville & Lexington’s top choice for deep tissue therapy. Check out both of our locations in Lexington & Nicholasville.


(859) 334-0585

Massage Pricing & Services | Lexington & Nicholasville (20)

Massage Pricing & Services | Lexington & Nicholasville (21)

Give The Gift of Massage Therapy

Nothing says “I care” quite like a Massage Strong treatment. A great gift for birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, or “just because,” we offer gift cards for all occasions. You’ve found the perfect gift, so what are you waiting for? Treat your friend, spouse, or loved one to the best Nicholasville & Lexington massage.

Massage Pricing & Services | Lexington & Nicholasville (2025)


How much do I tip for a 60 minute massage? ›

In general, the 20% rule applies to tipping your massage therapist. So, if you're wondering how much to tip for a $100 massage, you'd want to tip $20. If you're considering how much to tip for a 60-minute massage (that costs $100) – you'd still tip $20. However, generosity is generally very appreciated.

How much should you tip for a $70 massage? ›

Tip for a Private Massage

Since tips are standard protocol for massage therapists, you should assume a 20 percent tip in any massage or spa treatment situation (unless a self-employed therapist specifically tells you their rate is all-inclusive).

How much do you tip for a 20 minute massage? ›

Tipping can sometimes be confusing and sensitive, but it doesn't have to be. As a general rule of thumb, many people tip around 15-20% of what the massage service costs.

Why do massage therapists expect a tip? ›

Partially, because massages are being provided alongside services like facials and pedicures, where tipping is customary, she explained. “Also, some spas … pay their staff lower-than-average wages, knowing that tips will top up their income,” she said.

Is it rude not to tip a massage therapist? ›

Most massage therapists who are business owners generally charge enough for their services so clients don't need to worry about a tip. A monetary tip is appreciated, but never required. We just love it when a client rebooks and sends their friends in for a massage. That's the best tip of all.

Is $10 a good tip for massage? ›

Yes, you should tip at least 20% based on the regular cost of the service, even if you're using a coupon or gift certificate, says Sokolosky. So if a massage normally costs $100, tip $20 even if you have a coupon that discounts the massage to $90 or a gift card that covers the full cost.

What is a good tip for a full body massage? ›

A good rule of thumb for tipping in the massage industry is between 15% and 20% of the total service cost, which is the standard practice in the broader service industry. This range is widely accepted as a standard gesture of appreciation for satisfactory to excellent service, and is a perfectly acceptable tip.

What to wear when going for a massage? ›

Generally speaking, you should wear something comfortable and stretchy on the legs (tights or joggers) and try not to wear belts, pants, or shorts with next to no stretch or lots of pockets.

What is massage etiquette? ›

You must cover all open skin (cuts, warts, etc) with a bandaid and bring to the therapists attention prior to your massage. Remove all make-up from face before climbing on to the massage table. Replacing stained linens can be very costly. Remove all jewelry prior to your massage.

Does full body massage include private parts? ›

A full-body massage doesn't have to include your sensitive areas. You can say which parts of your body you don't want to be touched. A full-body massage usually includes your arms, legs, hands and feet, your neck and back, your stomach and buttocks.

How often should you get a massage? ›

For general health and relaxation, we recommend one or two 60-minute massages per month. Regular sessions have excellent health benefits and prevent pain, stress, and muscle tension from building up in clients who are under light to moderate stress.

Do massage therapists prefer cash tips? ›

Cash tips are preferred by most massage therapists as they provide immediate gratification and may help with income reporting for independent contractors. However, clients who prefer using a credit card should ask their therapist about their tipping policy beforehand.

Where to leave tip after massage? ›

After your massage is over, the massage therapist leaves the room, you get dressed, and come out of the room. The therapist should be waiting there with some water for you to drink and to walk you back out to the front desk. That's when you hand them the tip.

How much do you tip for a 60 minute massage at massage Envy? ›

You should tip what you feel is appropriate. 20% of the cost is the “norm", but as a Massage Envy therapist, I'm happy when I get $20 for a one hour, or $35 for a 90 minute.

What is it called when a masseuse comes to your house? ›

There are many names for a massage therapist that comes to your home or office like Mobile massage, In home massage, or traveling massage therapists.

Is $30 a good tip for a 90 minute massage? ›

A good rule of thumb for tipping in the massage industry is between 15% and 20% of the total service cost, which is the standard practice in the broader service industry. This range is widely accepted as a standard gesture of appreciation for satisfactory to excellent service, and is a perfectly acceptable tip.

Is a 60-minute massage worth it? ›

It depends on the severity and nature of your pain points. A 60-minute massage can definitely provide relief and improve circulation in the targeted areas. However, for chronic pain or deeper issues, a longer session (90 or 120 minutes) might be more effective.

What is a 60-minute massage equivalent to? ›

Studies have shown that when you receive an hour-long massage, it equates to around 7-8 hours of sleep for your body.

Is 25% a good tip for massage? ›

The general guideline. As with other services, the average tip for a massage is 15-20% of the total cost. Of course, this can vary depending on factors such as quality of service and personal budget. If you're at a spa or salon, the business usually takes a portion of the massage therapist's fee.


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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Author information

Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.